Information relating to the protection of personal data collected by the company WILO & CO under the brand La Table de Co

In application of the General Regulation on the Protection of Personal Data 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council dated April 27, 2016, LA TABLE DE CO communicates to its customers, natural persons, the following legal information.

Responsible for data processing:

Madame Corinne NAHMANI
83 avenue NIEL – 75017130 PARIS
Tél. : 06 60 65 04 29

Object and purpose of the Processing:

LA TABLE DE CO has an online sales website. This site makes it possible to receive orders from our customers and the data collected on this occasion is recorded and processed in a customer file.

This file is used to:

  • Manage orders, payment and delivery,

  • Carry out marketing operations (loyalty, promotions) and send advertisements by email to our customers who have not objected to it or who have accepted it:

    • On products similar to those they ordered

    • On other products offered by the company

  • Transmit the data of our customers who have accepted it to our business partners, to enable them to send them advertising

Legal basis for Processing:

LA TABLE DE CO collects and processes personal data only in the following cases:

  • Order management: the legal basis for processing is the execution of a contract (see article 6.1.b) of the European Data Protection Regulation).

  • Sending commercial solicitations by email on products similar to those ordered by customers: the legal basis for processing is the legitimate interest of the company (Cf. article 6.1.f) of the European Data Protection Regulation), namely promote our products to our customers.

  • Sending commercial solicitations by email on other products offered by the company LA TABLE DE CO: the legal basis for processing is consent (Cf. 2 article 6.1.a) of the European Data Protection Regulation), such as requires article L. 34-5 of the postal and electronic communications code.

  • Transmission of the email address to business partners: the legal basis for processing is consent (see article 6.1.a) of the European Data Protection Regulation), as required by article L. 34-5 of the code posts and electronic communications.

Data categories:

  • Identity: title, surname, first name, address, delivery address, telephone number, email address, date of birth, internal processing code allowing identification of the customer, data relating to registration on opposition lists.

  • Data relating to orders: transaction number, details of purchases, amount of purchases, data relating to the payment of invoices (payments, unpaid bills, discounts), product returns.

  • Data relating to means of payment: bank card number, expiry date of the bank card, visual cryptogram (which is immediately deleted).

  • Data necessary for carrying out loyalty and prospecting actions: purchase history.

Data recipients:

  • The customer and billing services of LA TABLE DE CO are recipients of all categories of data.

  • Its subcontractors, responsible for the delivery of its orders, are recipients of the identity, address and telephone number of our customers.

  • Duration of data retention.

  • Data required for order management and invoicing: throughout the duration of the commercial relationship and ten (10) years for accounting obligations.

  • Data necessary for carrying out loyalty actions and prospecting: throughout the duration of the commercial relationship and three (3) years from the last purchase.

  • Data relating to means of payment: this data is not kept by LA TABLE DE CO; they are collected during the transaction and are immediately deleted upon payment of the purchase.

  • Data concerning the opposition lists to be received from prospecting: three (3) years.

Customer's rights on data processing:

Within the limits and conditions set by the Regulations, the customer, a natural person, has rights over the processing of his personal data.

The customer has the right to ask the controller for access to his personal data, the rectification of the data if they are inaccurate or incomplete. (Articles 15 and 16 of Regulation 2016/679).

The customer has the right to request the erasure of his personal data, as well as a limitation of the processing of his data. (Articles 17 and 18 of Regulation 2016/679).

The customer also has the right to the portability of his personal data, the processing of which has been carried out using procedures automated. (Article 20 of Regulation 2016/679)

Right to withdraw consent:

If you no longer wish to receive advertising from LA TABLE DE CO (exercise of the right to object or withdraw consent already given), contact us at the following address: contact@latabledeco.com.

You can access, rectify or delete data concerning you.

In addition, in accordance with the provisions of the RGPD, the company LA TABLE DE CO informs buyers directly on the order form of any processing of their personal data as follows:

Fields marked with an asterisk are required

Name* :

First name* :

Address* :

Delivery address (if different from the main address):

Email address* :

Telephone :

Date of Birth :

We collect this data in order to manage your order. We also use your email address to send you advertisements for products similar to those you order. If you do not wish to receive such solicitations, check the box below:

I refuse to allow LA TABLEDE CO to offer me by email products similar to those I have already ordered.

This data may also allow ABCD and its business partners to send you other advertisements by email. To enable it, you must check the boxes below:

I accept that LA TABLE DE CO may offer me new products or services by email.

I agree to receive advertising by email from partners of LA TABLE DE CO.

(List of partners of the company LA TABLE DE CO, regularly updated: contact@latabledeco.com)

You also have a right to portability and a right to limit the processing of your data (See the cnil.fr site for more information on your rights).

To exercise these rights or for any questions about the processing of your data in this system, you can contact us at the following address:

Madame Corinne NAHMANI
83 avenue NIEL – 75017130 PARIS
Email: contact@latabledeco.com

If you believe, after contacting LA TABLE DE CO, that your "Data Protection" rights have not been respected, you can submit a complaint online to the CNIL, the supervisory authority, at the following address:

3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07.
Tél : 01 53 73 22 22.